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  1. Replicative DNA polymerases are essential for the replication of the genomes of all living organisms. On the basis of sequence similarities they can be classified into three types. Type A polymerases are homol...

    Authors: M Mar Albà
    Citation: Genome Biology 2001 2:reviews3002.1
  2. We propose a new method for supervised learning from gene expression data. We call it 'tree harvesting'. This technique starts with a hierarchical clustering of genes, then models the outcome variable as a sum...

    Authors: Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, David Botstein and Patrick Brown
    Citation: Genome Biology 2001 2:research0003.1
  3. Ring-type polymerases consist of a DNA polymerase, a ring-shaped sliding clamp protein and a clamp-loading complex. Sliding clamp proteins are found in all organisms and are called proliferating cell nuclear a...

    Authors: Irina Bruck and Mike O'Donnell
    Citation: Genome Biology 2001 2:reviews3001.1
  4. The mechanism by which the plant reserves some cells as pluripotent stem cells while partitioning others into differentiated leaf tissue is fundamental to plant development. New work in Arabidopsis elucidates the...

    Authors: M Kathryn Barton
    Citation: Genome Biology 2001 2:reviews1002.1
  5. To assess how automatic function assignment will contribute to genome annotation in the next five years, we have performed an analysis of 31 available genome sequences. An emerging pattern is that function can...

    Authors: Ioannis Iliopoulos, Sophia Tsoka, Miguel A Andrade, Paul Janssen, Benjamin Audit, Anna Tramontano, Alfonso Valencia, Christophe Leroy, Chris Sander and Christos A Ouzounis
    Citation: Genome Biology 2000 2:interactions0001.1
  6. The Ensembl software automatically produces and archives annotation of the draft human genome sequence.

    Authors: Colin Semple
    Citation: Genome Biology 2000 2:reports2001
  7. Three major defense signaling molecules have been shown to trigger partly overlapping gene expression profiles in Arabidopsis.

    Authors: Thomas Eulgem
    Citation: Genome Biology 2000 2:reports0001
  8. Authors: William Wells
    Citation: Genome Biology 2000 1:spotlight-20001221-02
  9. A report on the 52nd Harden Conference on 'Signaling in Plants', Wye College, Kent, UK, 18-22 September 2000.

    Authors: Tony Fordham-Skelton and Keith Lindsey
    Citation: Genome Biology 2000 2:reports4001.1
  10. The extensive polymorphism revealed in non-coding gene-regulatory sequences, particularly in the immune system, suggests that this type of genetic variation is functionally and evolutionarily far more importan...

    Authors: N A Mitchison
    Citation: Genome Biology 2000 2:comment2001.1
  11. In Caenorhabditis elegans, injection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) results in the specific inactivation of genes containing homologous sequences, a technique termed RNA-mediated interference (RNAi). It has previ...

    Authors: Ravi S Kamath, Maruxa Martinez-Campos, Peder Zipperlen, Andrew G Fraser and Julie Ahringer
    Citation: Genome Biology 2000 2:research0002.1
  12. Depending on their larval environment, female honeybees develop into either queens or workers. As in other polyphenisms, this developmental switch depends not on genomic differences between queens and workers ...

    Authors: Jay D Evans and Diana E Wheeler
    Citation: Genome Biology 2000 2:research0001.1

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 10.1
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 16.5
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.521
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 7.197

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 22
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 277

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 6,688,476
    Altmetric mentions: 12,515

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  • Identity transparency: Single anonymized
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