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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: NextDenovo: an efficient error correction and accurate assembly tool for noisy long reads

Fig. 2

De novo assembly of 35 human genomes. A Geographical location of the 35 individuals sequenced. B Comparison of 35 human assemblies between NextDenovo and Flye. NG50 is the length N such that 50% of the reference genome is covered in contigs with length ≥ N. LG50 is the number of contigs with length ≥ NG50. NGA50 is NG50 of the aligned blocks that are obtained by breaking contigs at misassembly events and removing all unaligned bases. LGA50 is the number of aligned blocks with length ≥ NGA50. Misassemblies and QV were evaluated by QUAST, where QV is defined as \(-10\times {{\text{log}}}_{10}(\frac{\# {\text{mismatches}} {\text{per}} 100 {\text{kbp}} + \# {\text{indels}} {\text{per}} 100 {\text{kbp}}}{100 {\text{kbp}}})\). Gene completeness and “multicopy genes retained” are reported by asmgene; “multicopy genes retained” corresponds to the percentage of multicopy genes in the reference genome that remains multicopy genes in the assembly. QV, gene completeness, and “multicopy genes retained” were evaluated using the polished assemblies and other metrics were evaluated using the raw assemblies. The metrics represented by the red points are larger than the metrics represented by the blue points

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