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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Single Cell Atlas: a single-cell multi-omics human cell encyclopedia

Fig. 5

In-depth scRNA-seq analysis revealed distinct variations between adult and fetal colons. A tSNE of the adult colon; colors represent cell types. B tSNE of the fetal colon; colors represent cell types. C Heatmap showing the correlations of the cell types of the MSC lineage from adult and fetal colons based on their top upregulated genes. The intensity of the heatmap shows the AUROC level between cell types. Color blocks on the top of the heatmap represent classes (first row from the top), cell types (second row), and cell type classes (third row). D Heatmap showing the correlations of the cell types of the MSC lineage from adult and fetal colons based on the expression of the TFs. The intensity of the heatmap shows the AUROC level between cell types. Color blocks on the top of the heatmap represent classes (first row from the top), cell types (second row), and cell type classes (third row). E Pseudotime trajectory of the MSC lineage in the adult colon. The color represents the cell type, and the violin plots represent the density of cells across pseudo-time. F Pseudo-time trajectory of the MSC lineage in the fetal colon. The color represents the cell type, and the violin plots represent the density of cells across pseudotime. G Heatmap showing the pseudotemporal expression patterns of TFs in the lineage transition of MSCs to enterocytes in both adult and fetal colons. Intensity represents scaled expression data. The top 25 TFs for MSCs or their differentiated cells are labeled. H Pseudotemporal expression transitions of the top TFs in the MSC-to-enterocyte transitions for both adult and fetal colons. I Heatmap showing the pseudotemporal expression patterns of TFs in the lineage transition of MSCs to fibroblasts in both adult and fetal colons. Intensity represents scaled expression data. The top 25 TFs for MSCs or their differentiated cells are labeled. J Pseudotemporal expression transitions of the top TFs in the MSC-to-fibroblast transitions for both adult and fetal colons

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