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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: Single Cell Atlas: a single-cell multi-omics human cell encyclopedia

Fig. 3

In-depth assessment of the integrated scRNA-seq further revealed inter-and intra-group similarities between adult and fetal tissues. A Chord diagrams of the highly correlated (AUROC > 0.9) adult and fetal cell types. Each connective line in the middle of the diagrams represents the correlation between two cell types. The color represents the cell type class. B Top receptor-ligand interactions between cell type classes in adult tissues (left) and fetal tissues (right). Color blocks on the outer circle represent the cell type class, and the color in the inner circle represents the receptor (blue) and ligand (red). Arrows indicate the direction of receptor-ligand interactions. C 3D tSNE of the integrative analysis between scRNA-seq and bulk RNA-seq tissues. The colors of the solid dots represent cell types in scRNA-seq data, and the colors of the spheres represent tissues of the bulk data. T indicates the T cell cluster, and B indicates the B cell cluster. D Heatmap showing the top DE genes in each cell type class of the adult and fetal tissues. Scaled expression values were used. Color blocks on the top of the heatmap represent cell type classes. Red arrows indicate the selected cell type classes for subsequent analyses. E Top significant GO BP and KEGG pathways for the cell type classes in adult and fetal tissues. The size of the dots represents the significance level. The color represents the cell type class

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