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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Single Cell Atlas: a single-cell multi-omics human cell encyclopedia

Fig. 2

scRNA-seq integrative analysis revealed similarity and heterogeneity between adult and fetal tissues. A Clustering of the 417 cell types from scRNA-seq data, consisting of 92 tissues based on their cell type proportion within each tissue group. Cell types were colored based on the cell type class indicated in the legend. The numbers in the bracket represent the cell number within the tissue group. B UMAP of the cells present in the 94 adult and fetal tissues from scRNA-seq data, colored based on their cell type class. C Phylogenetic tree of the adult (left) and fetal (right) cell types. Clustering was performed based on their top regulated genes. The color represents the cell type class. Distinct clusters are outlined in black and labeled

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