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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Mapping the functional impact of non-coding regulatory elements in primary T cells through single-cell CRISPR screens

Fig. 2

A Schematic of the classes of loci targeted in the crisprQTL screen, including the locus control regions of CD2, enhancers linked to genes from Gasperini et al. [49], regulatory elements (intronic and intergenic) overlapping ENCODE cCREs, and gene transcription start sites (TSS). B Schematic of primary T cell crisprQTL experimental approach: CBh-ZIM3-dCas9 and the pooled gRNA library were introduced as described in Fig. 1A, and perturbed cells were analyzed by 10X Genomics 3′ scRNA-seq. C Proportion of cells where we confidently detected a single gRNA, multiple gRNAs, or none (unassigned, due to insufficient gRNA transcript recovery). D Distribution of the number of cells recovered with each gRNA in the pooled library. Numbers indicate, from top to bottom, the maximum, 75th, 50th, 25th quantiles, and minimum. E Same as D but for the number of cells per target (each target is targeted by four gRNAs)

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