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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: A high-resolution genotype–phenotype map identifies the TaSPL17 controlling grain number and size in wheat

Fig. 6

Haplotypes at TaSPL17-A affect spike morphology traits. a The three major haplotypes at TaSPL17-A. The first row indicates positions and the other three rows list the nucleotides for each haplotype. The positions are relative to the ATG of TaSPL17-A. + 624 and + 3897 indicate the first and last SNP in the three haplotypes of this gene. b-e Spike length (b), spikelet number per spike (c), grain number per spikelet (d), and spikelet density (e) between accessions carrying each of the three haplotypes (n = 173 accessions [Hap-A1], 28 accessions [Hap-A2], 93 accessions [Hap-A3]) of TaSPL17-A. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05). f Geographical distribution of the three haplotypes for each area (pie chart) AF, Africa; AS, Asia (except Middle East); EU, Europe; MEA, Middle East; NA, North America; OA, Oceania; SA, South America. g Frequency of Hap-A2 among 799 Chinese wheat accessions released from 1900 to 2020

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