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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Synergising single-cell resolution and 4sU labelling boosts inference of transcriptional bursting

Fig. 5

a Correlations between statistics of the observable data and related bursting parameter estimates, with Spearman’s rank correlation strength (rho) and statistical significance (p) displayed. Bottom right compares the cell-specific T>C rates minus gene-specific background for the ATF5 and CAP1 genes, which are expressed with high and low noise, respectively. b Estimates for different parameters plotted against each other. Statistical significance of difference in b, \(\kappa\) and \(\delta\) for genes with very high (\(\mu \ge 1000\)) expression level vs other genes (\(\mu <1000\)) is shown with the p-value calculated using the Wilcoxon test. Also shown in the bottom right is the Spearman’s rank correlation strength (rho) and statistical significance (p) of \(\kappa\) against \(\delta\)

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