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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: Panhematopoietic RNA barcoding enables kinetic measurements of nucleate and anucleate lineages and the activation of myeloid clones following acute platelet depletion

Fig. 6

Platelet depletion leads to activation of myeloid output in P and PE clones. A Experimental model. Recipient mice treated with busulfan were transplanted with 2800 LT-HSCs, at a transduction efficiency of 33.4%, blood samples were collected at 12, 28, and 30 weeks post-transplantation (Additional file 16: Fig. S7 time point bas-baseline was taken 14 days before the platelet depletion at week 30), 10 days, and 4, 8, and 12 weeks post-platelet depletion along with bone marrow populations including GFP + LT-HSC, MkP, and CFU-E FACS—purified in bulk for clonal analysis. B–D Pearson correlation coefficient between blood lineages (B, B cells; E, erythroid cells; M, myeloid cells; P, platelets) at 12 and 28 weeks, baseline (30 weeks post-transplantation), time points before the platelet depletion, and after platelet depletion (10 days, 4, 8, and 12 weeks). Exact r and p values (Additional file 5: Table S3). E Box plot summarizing the contribution of clones to PB lineages (clone type abbreviations: PEMB-platelet-erythroid-myeloid-Bcell, PE-platelet-erythroid, MEB-myeloid-erythroid-B cell, EB-erythroid-B cell, P-platelet, E-erythroid, PEB-platelet-erythroid-B cell), line at mean

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