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Fig. 8 | Genome Biology

Fig. 8

From: Genomic and epigenomic determinants of heat stress-induced transcriptional memory in Arabidopsis

Fig. 8

H3K4me3 is globally enriched at memory genes after 3 days of recovery. a, b Cclusters c7, c11, and c12 show increased H3K4me3 3 days after ACC. Enrichment of histone H3K4me3 at NHS and 3 days after ACC treatment in ccluster-associated genes (a). Gene bodies ± 500 bp are shown; gene models were scaled between transcriptional start site (TSS) and transcriptional termination site (TTS). Empirical cumulative distribution function of differential H3K4me3 accumulation (TSS to TSS + 700 bp) after ACC with c7, c11, and c12 highlighted in color (b). The distribution of values for memory clusters c7 and c12 was significantly different from that of the five large non-memory clusters c1 to c5 (KS-test, p < 0.05). c, d Rclusters r11, r14, and r15 show increased H3K4me3 3 days after ACC. Enrichment of histone H3K4me3 at NHS and 3 days after ACC treatment in rcluster-associated genes (c). Empirical cumulative distribution function of differential H3K4me3 accumulation (TSS to TSS + 700 bp) after ACC with r8, r11, and r14 highlighted in color (d). The distribution of values for rclusters r11 and r14 was significantly different from that of all other clusters (KS-test, p < 0.05). e, f 1–1-1 genes show increased H3K4me3 3 days after ACC. Enrichment of histone H3K4me3 at NHS and 3 days after ACC treatment in memory-associated genes (e). Empirical cumulative distribution function of differential H3K4me3 accumulation after ACC (TSS to TSS + 700 bp) (f). The distribution of values for 1–1-1 genes was significantly different from that of all other groups (KS-test, p < 0.05). n, number of genes per category

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