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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: H3K18 lactylation marks tissue-specific active enhancers

Fig. 2

H3K18la marks active, tissue-specific enhancers. A Tissue- and cell-type-specific ChromHMM analysis of mESC-ser, GAS, and PIM based on their hPTM profiles. The color scale corresponds to the emission parameter of each hPTM for each state. Fold enrichment of ChromHMM states for total genomic fraction coverage, genomic features, and ENCODE cCREs, scaled from −2 to 2 (see the “Materials and methods” section for details). B Heatmap showing the fold enrichment of hPTM peaks in ENCODE cCREs ; Σ (bp overlap)/[Σ (bp PTM peak)*Σ (bp cCRE)], scaled from −2 to 2. C Bar plots depicting the fraction of published tissue-specific enhancers [34,35,36,37] that overlap with hPTM peaks. D Venn diagrams depicting the overlap of pELS/dELS marked by the active hPTMs in mESC-ser, GAS, and PIM samples. Overlaps are colored according to the absolute number of ELS marked by various combinations of active hPTMs. Percentages indicate the fraction of actively marked ELS belonging to each group. E ChromHMM analysis of all tissues/cell types based on their H3K18la profiles. The color scale shows the emission parameter of each tissue/cell type for each state. Fold enrichment of ChromHMM states over published tissue-specific enhancer sets [34,35,36,37], total genomic fraction coverage, genomic features, ENCODE cCREs, house-keeping gene promoters, and house-keeping genes [38], scaled from −2 to 2 (see the “Materials and methods” section for details). F Top 10 GO (category “Biological Process”) terms resulting from the GO enrichment analysis of the genes closest to the top 2000 dELS from ENCODE cCRE with highest H3K18la levels (see the “Materials and methods” section for how dELS were linked to genes)

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