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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: Single-cell diploid Hi-C reveals the role of spatial aggregations in complex rearrangements and KMT2A fusions in leukemia

Fig. 4

The relationship between 3D genome structures and lineage-specific KMT2A fusions. A PCA results of all single cells based on the Euclidean distances between KMT2A and fusion partners. B Comparison of KMT2A-partner Euclidean distances between in lymphocytes and in myeloid cells, for AML-specific, ALL-specific fusions, and common fusions. C Comparisons for three AML-specific fusions which exhibit closer proximities in myeloid cells than in lymphocytes. D The relationship between the KMT2A-partner Euclidean distances and the prevalence of each fusion. E The same as D, but consider only partner genes belonging to SEC complex

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