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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Dissection of multiple sclerosis genetics identifies B and CD4+ T cells as driver cell subsets

Fig. 2

A LDSC enrichment results for MS GWAS enrichment in OCRs from across hematopoietic cell types in a joint model. Heights of the circles reflect LDSC coefficient (τc) p-values, which measures whether the annotation (i.e., OCRs for a given cell type) contributes significantly to SNP heritability in an overall model that includes OCRs for all hematopoietic cell types and baseline annotations. Sizes of the circles are proportional to the enrichment p-values for that given cell type, with larger circles reflecting more significant p-values. B LDSC enrichment p-values for pairwise stratified LDSC of MS GWAS results in OCRs from hematopoietic cell types. Y-axis are the index cell types with LDSC enrichment p-values prior to stratifying in parentheses. X-axis shows the comparator cell type being conditioned upon. Boxes are shaded by the LDSC coefficient p-values for the index cell type after conditioning on the comparator cell type in the pairwise model (with darker colors representing stronger enrichments). Red stars indicate pairwise comparisons that are statistically significant a Bonferroni-corrected p-value threshold of 2.2×10−4

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