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Fig. 1 | Genome Biology

Fig. 1

From: Differential regulation of mRNA fate by the human Ccr4-Not complex is driven by coding sequence composition and mRNA localization

Fig. 1

G/C-ending codons drive mRNA destabilization by the Ccr4-Not complex. A Plot of RNA abundance across multiple time points after inhibition of transcription with triptolide relative to the 0 h timepoint for siControl and siCNOT1 treated samples (three biological replicates). B mRNAs grouped based on their mRNA half-life in the presence and absence of CNOT1 using k-means clustering. C The mRNA half-lives before and after CNOT1 depletion for the three major clusters of mRNAs determined in B. D The variable influence (determined using gradient boosting) of mRNA sequence features on the log2FC mRNA half-life after CNOT1 knockdown. E Log2FC mRNA half-life following CNOT1 depletion for mRNAs grouped by their CDS length. F Correlation coefficient (Spearman’s rho) between the frequency of a given codon in an mRNA and the log2FC mRNA half-life (siCNOT1 / siControl). Codons with an A/U at the 3rd nucleotide position are colored in magenta and codons with a G/C at the 3rd nucleotide position are colored in cyan

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