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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: GCNG: graph convolutional networks for inferring gene interaction from spatial transcriptomics data

Fig. 2

GCNG correctly infers extracellular ligand-receptor interaction. a, b AUROC and AUPRC curves for seqFISH+ using autocrine+ GCNG model. Here, each gray line represents results for one ligand (a total of 91 curves), red line represents the median curve, and the light green part represents the region between 40 and 60 quantile. Median and mean of area under the curves are shown on top of each panel. c, d AUROC and AUPRC curves for MERFISH when using the autocrine+ GCNG model (73 curves). e, f Overall comparison in terms of AUROC and AUPRC for single cell Pearson correlation, Giotto, spatial Pearson correlation, diagonal GCNG, autocrine+ GCNG, and exocrine GCNG models. For Giotto on MERFISH (f), we set its all AUROC and AUPRC as 0.5 since the data only has one cell type

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