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Fig. 1 | Genome Biology

Fig. 1

From: High-resolution Repli-Seq defines the temporal choreography of initiation, elongation and termination of replication in mammalian cells

Fig. 1

High-resolution Repli-Seq produces robust and reproducible heatmaps that annotate features of replication at fine temporal resolution. a Experimental and analysis flow for high-resolution Repli-seq. b E/L Repli-seq for H1 hESCs (top), normalised High-Res Repli-seq heatmaps for chr1:30,000,000–60,000,000 in H1, H9 and HCT116. c E/L Repli-seq for F121-9 mESCs and mNPCs, normalised High-Res Repli-seq heatmaps for chr1:125,000,000–155,000,000 in unparsed mus allele and cas allele in mESC and mNPC. d 5 Features observed in high-resolution Repli-Seq heatmap. Top row: line plots showing the rank of the cluster centroid with which the current bin is associated (red indicates the bins of interest that constitute the corresponding feature and black indicates the surrounding bins). Bottom row: corresponding heatmaps of IZs, leftward TTR, rightward TTR, breakages in TTR, short termination sites (≤ 100 kb) and late CTRs. e Percentage of genome constituted by features in d

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