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Fig. 1 | Genome Biology

Fig. 1

From: Analysis of the recombination landscape of hexaploid bread wheat reveals genes controlling recombination and gene conversion frequency

Fig. 1

Recombination landscape of wheat. a The number of COs recorded for each RIL in the Paragon × Chinese Spring population (CO frequency per sample) as a frequency histogram. b The number of RILs sharing each recorded CO (number of samples with each CO) as a frequency histogram for the Paragon × Chinese Spring population. c For all analyzed COs, the location of the CO (the start of the window that shows a different predominant parental allele compared to the previous window) is plotted on the x-axis with the number of samples in the population that share the CO on the y axis. d The intersection of two 20-Mbp windows defines a CO. Therefore, for all windows of 40 Mbp encompassing a central defined CO, the number of high-confidence genes that are found within each interval is plotted alongside the number of RILs within each population showing the CO. e Parents for the 13 populations clustered according to their representative alleles from the 35K SNP array. f The 13 populations clustered according to their individual CO profiles, i.e., number of RILs with each recorded CO in the population. The dendrograms in e and f were produced using the R package pvclust average linkage method with correlation-based dissimilarity matrix and the value of this distance metric between clusters is represented as height on the y-axis. AU (approximately unbiased) p values were computed by multiscale bootstrap resampling (bootstrap number of 1000). Landraces are highlighted with blue boxes and pure breeding lines are highlighted with pink boxes

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