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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Variation in 5-hydroxymethylcytosine across human cortex and cerebellum

Fig. 5

Canonical differences in DNA methylation in standard BS-treated DNA can be masked by 5hmC differences. There was no difference in levels of DNA modifications (5mC + 5hmC) in BS-treated DNA between the prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum. However, when examining true 5mC levels (oxBS) there are higher levels of DNA methylation at the 3’ end of the gene body in the prefrontal cortex than the cerebellum. Key: BS-treated (5mC + 5hmC levels) prefrontal cortex DNA (red), BS-treated (5mC + 5hmC levels) cerebellum DNA (green), oxBS-treated (5mC levels only) prefrontal cortex DNA (blue), oxBS-treated (5mC level only) prefrontal cortex DNA (pink)

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