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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: Distinct roles of DNMT1-dependent and DNMT1-independent methylation patterns in the genome of mouse embryonic stem cells

Fig. 4

DNMT3a/3b-dependent (i.e., DNMT1 maintenance-independent) methylation patterns are critical for suppressing LINE retrotransposons. a Correlation of methylation in 1KO and WT cells. CG sites with coverage ≥10 in both cells were used. Color represents two-dimensional transformed density. b Methylation of RRMRs in three different ES KO cell lines relative to WT. c Overlap of 1KO cell RRMRs with repetitive elements in the mouse genome. SINE short interspersed nuclear element. d Overlap of 1KO cell RRMRs with LINE subtypes. Shown are percentages of each LINE subtype out of all LINE subtypes overlapping with RRMRs. e Percentages of different LINE subtypes in the mouse genome. f Methylation of LINEs in three different ES KO cell lines relative to WT

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