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Archived Comments for: Comprehensive evaluation of differential gene expression analysis methods for RNA-seq data

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  1. Table 2 erratum

    Doron Betel, Weill Cornell Medical College

    4 November 2013

    There is a correction to table 2 that did not make it into the final version.
    In the last row of table 2 called "Runtime for experiments with 3-5 replicates..." the values for edgeR and limmaVoom should be Seconds not Minutes.

    For completeness, the following table is the runtime performance (in seconds) of six methods from DE analysis comparing the 5 replicates from groups A and B from the SEQC data.

    DESeq | edgeR | PoissonSeq | limmaVoom | baySeq
    user.self | 410.292 | 7.380 | 12.893 | 4.897 | 20.772
    sys.self | 0.356 | 0.004 | 0.153 | 0.011 | 0.166
    elapsed | 413.751 | 7.904 | 13.343 | 4.911 | 2028.279

    Competing interests

