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Table 4 Number (%) GLEAN transcripts and exons with overlap to only one gene prediction set

From: Creating a honey bee consensus gene set


Drosophila Ortholog


Evolutionary Conserved Core



Transcript 80% overlap

1 (0.01)

14 (0.14)

1 (0.01)

27 (0.27)

3 (0.03)

Transcript 80% both overlap

67 (0.66)

160 (1.58)

173 (1.70)

647 (6.37)

992 (9.77)

Transcript exact overlap

35 (0.34)

92 (0.91)

289 (2.85)

1431 (14.09)

1569 (15.45)

Exon 80% overlap

7 (0.01)

46 (0.07)

30 (0.05)

346 (0.53)

535 (0.82)

Exon 80% both overlap

59 (0.09)

221 (0.34)

182 (0.28)

1776 (2.73)

2224 (3.42)

Exon exact overlap

159 (0.24)

305 (0.47)

486 (0.75)

3039 (4.68)

4156 (6.40)