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Call for Papers: Plant RNA Biology

Guest editors: Yiliang Ding and Z. Jeffrey Chen

Genome Biology is pleased to invite submissions for our upcoming special issue on Plant RNA Biology.

The special issue, which is planned for Spring 2022, will be guest edited by Yiliang Ding of the John Innes Centre and Z. Jeffrey Chen of the University of Texas at Austin.

RNA regulation has dramatic impacts on a wide range of biological processes in plants, from gene regulation, to growth, development, and stress response. Technological advances that allow genome-wide analysis of RNA modifications at a single nucleotide resolution, explore the RNA secondary structure, decipher small RNA involved epigenetic regulation, edit RNA sequences, and characterize novel classes of RNAs, have the potential to reveal the functional significance of RNA regulation in plants, and provide exciting new insights into plant RNA biology. Genome Biology will highlight the latest important advances in our understanding of the mechanisms and functions of plant RNA biology. 

The special issue will accept Research, Method, and Software manuscript submissions presenting outstanding contributions applying -omic methods and data to biological questions, including (but not limited to) the areas of:

-    Small RNAs (miRNA, siRNA, tRNA)
-    Long non-coding RNAs 
-    RNA metabolism
-    RNA processing, splicing, and translation 
-    RNA structure
-    RNA modifications and editing
-    General RNA biology

Submission deadline: 31st October 2021

Please use the online submission system, and indicate in your cover letter that you would like the manuscript to be considered for the ‘Plant RNA Biology’ special issue. If you would like to inquire about the suitability of a manuscript for consideration, please email a pre-submission inquiry to

Kevin Pang and Wenjing She
Special Issue Editors, Genome Biology

Barbara Cheifet
Chief Editor, Genome Biology

Yiliang Ding and Z. Jeffrey Chen
Guest Editors