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Table 2 Select list of in silico tools for predicting mRNA splicing effects

From: In silico methods for predicting functional synonymous variants


Algorithm/prediction method





Splice site prediction tools


Motif-based, maximal dependence decomposition (MDD)

Sequences up to 1 million nucleotides can be analyzed

Predicted exons and/or peptides in the sequence

A copy of the program is available on request



Motif-based, based on maximum entropy principle (MEP)

9 and 23 nucleotide long sequences for donor and acceptor site predictions respectively

Tool provides a score for the sequence indicating its strength as splice site

Offers multiple scoring models as options

Perl scripts to run algorithm are available for download



Motif-based, MDD with Markov models

Sequences of up to 200,000 nucleotides

Predicted acceptor and donor sites in the sequence with scores

Program is available for download



Machine-learning (ML) based, neural networks

One sequence between 200 and 100,000 nucleotides

Program provides predicted acceptor and donor sites with a confidence score

Program is available for download. The training dataset curated from NCBI GenBank included 65 human genes with 331 donor and acceptor splice sites



ML-based, support vector machine

Sequence of up to 30,000 nucleotides

Spliceport provides a list a predictions for donor and acceptor sites along with a score

Training dataset included a collection of 4000 pre-mRNA human RefSeq sequences



ML(deep learning)-based, modular neural networks

Predictive analysis of variants is performed on any exon with 50 and 13 nucleotides upstream and downstream respectively

Predicts effects of variants on exon skipping, splice site choice, splicing efficiency, and pathogenicity

Models are available in the Kipoi repository

Trained on distinct large-scale genomics datasets. Please refer to Table 1 of citation for a detailed summary of trained modules and models


SRE prediction tools


Functional SELEX, PWM

Sequences of up to 5000 nucleotides

Tool provides predicted splice sites and SREs along with a score



Predictions are based on a ratio of ESE/ESSs identified from 5 different models including RECUE-ESE, FAS-ESSs

Two exonic sequences strictly in uppercase in FASTA format up to a total length of 4000 nucleotides

Program compares the ESE/ESS profile of a native and variant sequence and predicts the probability of exon skipping



Experimental verification of random decanucleotide (10-nucleotides) sequences and weight matrices of aligned sequences

Single or multiple sequences in FASTA format. Length limit not specified

Program shows predicted ESS motifs. Users can search for hex2 or hex3 sets with relatively higher sensitivity and specificity respectively



Experimental assessment of the SRE properties of all possible hexamer motifs

6-hexamer sequences overlapping the variants

Calculate the net ESRseq score. Net score change could indicate prediction direction

Scores of ESE/ESS hexamers are available as supplementary materials


Combination analysis tools


Predictions based on 9 different models including MEP, PWM, ESEFinder, RESCUE-ESE, FAS-ESS, etc

Target exon along with flanking introns

Provides predictions for both splice sites and SREs



Splice site predictions based on MEP and SRE predictions based on RESCUE-ESE and FAS-ESS

DNA sequence with exons with at least 20 bases upstream of the exon it can predict and 60 bases of downstream of the last

Provides predictions for both splice sites and SREs
