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Table 1 Observed, hidden and deterministic variables in Celloscope, their corresponding probability distributions and interpretations

From: Celloscope: a probabilistic model for marker-gene-driven cell type deconvolution in spatial transcriptomics data

Observed variables


Negative binomial

Gene expression for gene g in spot s



Indicator whether gene g is a marker for cell type t

Hidden variables

    \(\theta _{st}\)


Unnormalized abundance of cell type t in spot s

    \(\lambda _0\)


Base gene expression level, shared across all genes and cell types

    \(\Lambda _{gt}\)


Overexpression for a marker gene g in its specific cell type t


Truncated normal

Number of cells in spot s



Success probability parameter for gene g



Indicator variable stating presence of cell type t in spot s

    \(\pi _{st}\)


Prior for the probability of presence of cell type t in a spot s

Deterministic variables



Fraction of cell type t in a spot s

    \(\mu _{gs}\)


Average expression of gene g in a spot s