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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Cell-specific clock-controlled gene expression program regulates rhythmic fiber cell growth in cotton

Fig. 2

The fiber cells developmental trajectory. a,b The cell development trajectories (a) and pseudo-time for fiber cells (b) by using Monocle3. c Expression heatmap of scRNA-seq and time-course RNA-seq for highly dynamically expressed genes ordered across pseudo-time in fiber development stages. See also Additional file 4: Table S3. d The Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR) for the gene examples at different pseudo-time. Transcript levels were normalized to Ubiquitin (Ghir_D13G015430) and three technical replicates were analyzed. The scRNA-seq expression (left) and qRT-PCR (right) are displayed. e The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between WT and fl in each scRNA-seq cell cluster. f The qRT-PCR validation of GhMYB25-like and GhMYB25 showing WT enrichment in C2 and C3 DEGs, respectively. g Expression heatmap of scRNA-seq (left) and time-course RNA-seq (right) for 163 of WT enriched C2 DEGs. h The GO-terms of top 10 biological processes for the WT.C3 enriched genes in g

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