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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: MoDLE: high-performance stochastic modeling of DNA loop extrusion interactions

Fig. 4

Genome-wide optimization of CTCF binding kinetics underlying loop extrusion. A A Markov chain with an Unbound (red) and Bound (blue) state underlies MoDLE loop extrusion barrier modeling. The self-transition probability for the Bound state (PBB) reflects how stably barrier elements (i.e., CTCF) are bound to their binding sites. The stationary distribution of the Markov chain (πB) provides the CTCF binding probability at a given epoch in the simulation. The bottom diagram (red/blue boxes) shows an illustration of how the binding state (Bound in blue, and Unbound in red) of a single CTCF site would change during a simulation depending on PUU and PBB. B Convergence of the objective function during the Bayesian optimization procedure. The objective function is a dissimilarity score comparing the pixels showing stripes and dots in the observed Micro-C data with the corresponding stripes and dots in the MoDLE output. See the “Methods” section (part 6) for details. C Comparison of objective function in the parameter search space of PUU and πB. Optimal, near-optimal, suboptimal and non-optimal combinations are highlighted with a red star, orange pentagon, blue square and green triangle respectively. D Side-by-side comparison of H1-hESC Micro-C data (top panel) and progressively less optimal combinations of PUU and πB parameters

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