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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: Genomics and epigenetics guided identification of tissue-specific genomic safe harbors

Fig. 4

Long-term validation of BLD_GSH_10 clones. a Representative distribution of GFP fluorescence signals in HUDEP2 WT cells (gray) and cells from a HUDEP2 clone with a GFP reporter transgene integrated in the GSH site (blue) in day 1 and day 90, respectively. b Bar plots showing the normalized GFP fluorescence signals of five independent clones and WT HUDEP2 cells. c Representative immuno-flow cytometry results showing cell differentiation comparison between WT cells and cells from one GFP clone. Y-axis is the signal for red blood cell maturation marker Band3. X-axis is the signals for GFP. The mature red blood cell compartment is highlighted in red. d Bar plots showing the percent of Band3 high cell populations before and after differentiation for five GFP clones and WT cells

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