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Table 2 Multiple genome alignment methods. Tools which only perform part of MGA or are only suited for pairwise genome alignment are excluded. Progressive aligners are italicized. See [24] for a comprehensive list of tools for all subproblems of MGA

From: Multiple genome alignment in the telomere-to-telomere assembly era


Anchor type

Anchor discovery method

Anchor chaining

MSA method

A-Bruijn Aligner [76]

Pairwise alignments

BlastZ [77]

Maximum Subgraph with Large Girth problem [78]


Cactus [79]

Pairwise alignments

LastZ [80] and BAR

Cactus alignment filter

Pecan [81]

M-GCAT [82]


Compressed suffix graph

Recursive match chaining


Mauve [36]


GRIL [83]

Greedily removes low-scoring LCBs

ClustalW [84]

MAVID [85, 86]

Exon Matches

BLAT [87] and GENSCAN [88]

Smith-Waterman [89]

Needleman-Wunsch [90]

Mugsy [91]

Pairwise alignments

MUMmer [92]

Min-Cut in alignment graph

T-Coffee [93]

Multi-Lagan [94]

Multiple short inexact words

CHAOS [95]

Longest increasing subsequence

Sum-of-pairs/consensus hybrid approach similar to ClustalW

Multiple Genome Aligner [96]


Suffix array

Maximum-weight path in an acyclic graph [97]

ClustalW [84]

Parsnp [37]


Compressed suffix graph

Weighted recursive match chaining

libMUSCLE [44]

Progressive Cactus [72]

Pairwise alignments

LastZ [80] and BAR

Cactus alignment filter

Pecan [81]

progressiveMauve [98]

Extending palindromic spaced seeds

ProcrastAligner [73]

Sum-of-pairs score

libMUSCLE [44]

SibeliaZ [99]


TwoPaCo [100]

Carrying paths

SIMD partial order alignment [101]

SuperMap [102]

Multiple short inexact words

CHAOS [95]

Maximum Weight Path Cover

Progressive LAGAN [94]

TBA/MultiZ [41]

Pairwise alignments

BlastZ [77]


MultiZ [41]