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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: Dynamic 3D genome architecture of cotton fiber reveals subgenome-coordinated chromatin topology for 4-staged single-cell differentiation

Fig. 3

Switching of A/B compartment status in the At and Dt subgenomes. a One representative genomic region showing the dynamic switching of A/B compartment status in chromosome D06. Positive values represent A compartment and negative values represent B compartment. Some regions exhibiting A/B compartment switching are indicated in pink boxes. b Global dynamic switching of chromatin compartment status. Chromosomal bins with stable chromatin status are shown in red (A compartment) or turquoise (B compartment). Heatmaps show bins with status switching between A compartment and B compartment. “AB” shows switching from A to B, “BA” shows switching from B to A (include BAAA, BABA, BBAA, BBBA), “ABA” shows two switching from A to B and then from B to A (include ABBA, ABAA, AABA), “BAB” shows two switching from B to A and then from A to B. c The size of the A/B compartment switching regions between adjacent stages. d–f The size of the A/B compartment switching regions at the subgenome level between adjacent stages. g The number of genes contained in the A/B compartment switching regions. h Comparison of the expression level of genes contained in the A/B compartment regions. i Box plot showing the expression level of genes located in regions marked by different chromatin modifications. Bar plot showing the proportion of A/B compartment regions marked by different modifications. ‘-’not marked, ‘+’ marked. For both h and i, two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used (***P < 2.2 × 10−16)

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