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Fig. 1 | Genome Biology

Fig. 1

From: Polygenic transcriptome risk scores (PTRS) can improve portability of polygenic risk scores across ancestries

Fig. 1

Experiment setup. Summary of the experimental set up used for testing the portability of PRS and PTRS across populations. The weights for calculating PRS and PTRS were estimated in the discovery set, which consisted of 345K randomly sampled individuals of European-descent from the UK Biobank. The training sets where the weights for the prediction of transcriptomes were computed are shown in green. We downloaded the weights trained previously from We sampled 5 target sets from the UK Biobank for testing the risk scores: two randomly sampled sets of European-, one African-, one East Asian-, and one South Asian-descent individuals. For each of the 5 target sets, predicted transcriptomes were calculated using the weights trained in each of the three training sets: GTEx EUR, MESA-EUR, and MESA-AFHI

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