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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: Quantitative-enhancer-FACS-seq (QeFS) reveals epistatic interactions among motifs within transcriptional enhancers in developing Drosophila tissue

Fig. 3

Fold change of mutant enhancer activity relative to wildtype in separate experiments. Fold change for each enhancer construct relative to wildtype is indicated by the heatmap color for each mutant construct and each enhancer. Red indicates increased enhancer activity caused by site mutations and blue indicates decreased activity. Gray boxes represent measurements which did not pass quality control filters. “D1” is the Deaf1 and CG12236-PB combinatorial mutant, “SZ” is the Schlank and ZIPIC combinatorial mutant, etc., while enhancer context is indicated at the bottom of each heatmap. Significant differences from wildtype (FDR < 0.1, Conover-Iman test with Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple hypothesis testing) are indicated with an asterisk. Enhancers are grouped by column according to the three motifs mutated within each allelic series; each row represents results from a separate population of parental flies and triplicate FACS collections. ChIPCRM5792-WT was not reliably detected, so that fold change measurements cannot be displayed for this enhancer

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