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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: recount3: summaries and queries for large-scale RNA-seq expression and splicing

Fig. 4

Non-coding and unannotated transcription. a Expression profiles across GTEx v8 tissues. Density and boxplots showing the tissue specificity of human coding and non-coding mRNAs from the FANTOM-CAT annotation [27] using data from GTEx v8. The specificity is based on the entropy computed from the median expression of each gene across the tissue types, as was done previously. b Evaluation of un-annotated genomic intervals powered by the base-pair coverage data in recount3. Previous work [28] identified un-annotated genomic intervals that are expressed, conserved and overall not artifacts. Using the base-pair coverage data we can validate these genomic intervals compared to 99 sets of randomly selected intervals with the same length distributions matched by chromosome. This panel shows the density for the distribution, across the 99 random sets of intervals, of the mean sum of expression across base-pairs for intervals that are present in at least 500 samples. The red vertical line denotes the observed value from the intervals by [28]

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