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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: Coordinated changes in gene expression kinetics underlie both mouse and human erythroid maturation

Fig. 6

Concept of dual kinetics of gene expression is also revealed in human fetal liver hematopoiesis. A UMAP representation of human fetal liver erythroid cell populations. The overlaying arrows result from applying the scVelo pipeline using all genes (left) or after MURK gene exclusion (right). Bottom UMAPs are colored by corresponding scVelo-inferred latent time. In order to facilitate comparison with the mouse data, a new clustering was performed on the erythroid cells, see “Methods.” MEMP: megakaryocyte-erythroid-mast cell progenitor. B Phase plots of representative MURK genes identified in human fetal liver erythropoiesis single-cell RNA-Seq dataset. C GO-term enrichment of MURK genes identified in human fetal liver erythropoiesis

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