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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Positive natural selection of N6-methyladenosine on the RNAs of processed pseudogenes

Fig. 2

Positive natural selection of the m6A on pseudogenes in GM12878 cell line. a Stacked barplot comparing the proportions of pseudogenes gaining/losing m6A motif (DRACH) on sense and antisense strands respectively. b Bar plot showing the estimates of ρ for DRACH m6A motifs for GM12878 and H1 cells respectively. Error bars represent standard errors. c A schematic phylogeny of the species studied for age determination. d The distributions of the ages of m6A sites (left) and control non-m6A DRACH sites (right). The age of each site was based on the most distantly related species in which the site was conserved. e Box plot comparing the peak intensities between m6A sites with high (top 25%, strong constraint) and low (bottom 25%, weak constraint) rejected substitution scores. f Barplot showing the percentages of DRACH motifs within m6A peaks of GM12878 cells for DRACH motif of different ages. g Box plot comparing the peak intensities of m6A sites with different normalized ages (1 represents the oldest, while 0 represents the youngest) of pseudogenes. h, i Scatter plots showing the correlation of the sequence divergences between pseudogenes and their cognate protein-coding genes with the m6A levels of pseudogenes for processed pseudogenes (h) and unprocessed pseudogene (i), respectively. j, k Box plot comparing m6A level of pseudogenes with different ranges of dN/dS ratios of their cognate coding genes for processed (j) and unprocessed (k) pseudogenes, respectively

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