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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: GRiNCH: simultaneous smoothing and detection of topological units of genome organization from sparse chromatin contact count matrices with matrix factorization

Fig. 3

Evaluating the stability of different TAD-calling methods to datasets of different depths. A The mean similarity, across chromosomes, between TADs from high-depth GM12878 dataset and TADs from low-depth GM12878 datasets obtained by downsampling the GM12878 dataset to different depths observed in our five cell-line dataset. The similarity of the TADs is measured by Rand index and mutual information. The error bar denotes the standard deviation from the mean. B Similarity of TADs from pairs of TAD-calling methods (e.g., GRiNCH vs. TopDom), measured by Rand index. The higher the number, the higher the similarity. C Similarity of TADs from pairs of TAD-calling methods measured by mutual information. Note: 3DNetMod outputted overlapping TADs and was excluded from this analysis due to the requirement of unique cluster assignment for each region

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