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Fig. 8 | Genome Biology

Fig. 8

From: Prime editing in mice reveals the essentiality of a single base in driving tissue-specific gene expression

Fig. 8

Genome-wide off-target analysis of HDR and PE2 edited founder mice. a Bar plot of number of CHANGE-seq sites detected using Cas9 WT and synthetic sgRNA or pegRNA targeting Tspan2, on WT genomic DNA from same strain of mice used in HDR and PE2 editing experiments. b Venn diagram depicting common predicted off-target sites for sgRNA (orange) and pegRNA (blue) groups. c Manhattan plots of CHANGE-seq detected on- and off-target sites organized by chromosomal position, for sgRNA and pegRNA, with bar heights representing CHANGE-seq read count. Arrow indicates the on-target site. d, e Indel frequencies evaluated by rhAmpSeq at on- and off-target sites detected by CHANGE-seq for sgRNA founders (d) and for pegRNA founders (e)

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