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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Human A-to-I RNA editing SNP loci are enriched in GWAS signals for autoimmune diseases and under balancing selection

Fig. 5

Additional analyses to support the balancing selection on RNA editing SNPs. a, b The distribution of Tajima’s D values (a) and pi (b) for A/G editing SNPs and control SNPs. Control SNPs are A/G SNPs located at the same genic locations as the A/G editing SNPs compared. The control SNPs in c–e are the same as in a. p values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test. 5′UTR editing SNPs were not analyzed due to the limited number. c Sliding window analysis of pi for A/G editing SNPs and flanking regions. A 200-bp sliding window (step size = 100 bp) was used, and the average pi in each window was shown. Moreover, a comparison between the A/G editing SNP containing window and the control A/G SNP containing window was performed. p values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test. ***p < 0.001. d Comparison of T1 and T2 scores between A/G editing SNPs and control SNPs. p values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test. e LD (r2) between pairs of A/G editing SNPs (red) and pairs of control SNPs (gray). The flanking SNPs were assigned into 20 bins (from 500 to 10,000 bp) based on their distance to editing SNPs or control SNPs. The average LD in each bin was calculated and plotted

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