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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: Cell type-specific genome scans of DNA methylation divergence indicate an important role for transposable elements

Fig. 6

Genome-wide fraction of metastable genes. The axes from outside to inside are chromosome coordinates and idiograms highlighting centromeres (red), pericentromeres (light red), and telomeric heterochromatin (dark grey). The heatmaps show the fraction of genes that fall into the top 5% percentile of all protein-coding genes (excluding TE genes) with respect to the proportion of MSCs in the open reading frame. The colors encode C context following the colormap used throughout the paper, and the opacity encodes the fraction of metastable genes (MSGs). For each context, the order of sources from outside to inside is rosette, root, vegetative nucleus, sperm cell, and inflorescence

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