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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Cell type-specific genome scans of DNA methylation divergence indicate an important role for transposable elements

Fig. 2

Genomic spectrum of methylation divergence. a Methylome phase plane for rosette leaves and all three sequence contexts. The C context colormap is used throughout the paper. In the margins, the distribution of MET and JSD, respectively, are shown. SciPy (scipy.stats.spearmanr) was used to compute Spearman’s ρ and the corresponding p value. b Empirical cumulative distribution function for MET and JSD in all three C contexts (same color code as phase plane). The line and error band display the mean and standard deviation of the data of all sources. c Proportions of C types for rosette leaves based on phase plane partitioning. The color hue indicates the different C types for each C context. d Rosette chromosome tracks for the proportions of C types following the color code in subfigure c. Bars for all C types except LMCs are stacked at non-overlapping, 50-kb intervals over the nuclear chromosomes (1 to 5 from top to bottom). Since LMCs are not explicitly shown, a smaller stack implicates a high proportion of LMCs. e Hierarchical clustering of genomic JSD signal for all source-context combinations using Spearman’s ρ over non-overlapping, 50-kb intervals

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