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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: Hi-D: nanoscale mapping of nuclear dynamics in single living cells

Fig. 4

Biophysical properties of chromatin are sensitive to transcriptional activity. a Fluorescence image of RPB1, a RNA polymerase II subunit, fused to Dendra2 (left), the spatial mapping of the diffusion constant (middle) and population deconvolution (right). b Violin plots of the mean diffusion constant of RNA Pol II for all three mobility groups in quiescent (− serum; n = 18), actively transcribing (+ serum; n = 20) and elongation inhibited (+ DRB; n = 21) cells are shown; dark blue, light blue and green denote the slow, intermediate, and fast population, respectively. c Relative share of the populations on the cell volume for starved (n = 13), stimulated (n = 14) and DRB-treated (n = 18) cells. Numbers in percent. d As b for the diffusion constant and d the anomalous exponent of DNA dynamics (n = 13 cells), red, gold, and yellow denote the slow, intermediate, and fast population, respectively. Statistical significance assessed by a Friedman test (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001)

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