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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: Linked optical and gene expression profiling of single cells at high-throughput

Fig. 4

Linked fluorescence and gene expression analysis of cell cycle state in Jurkat cells stained with a DNA-binding dye. a The frequency distribution of Jurkat cells stained with DRAQ5 encapsulated within droplets was analyzed on both PDM and a flow cytometer. b An alternating pattern of high and low expressing DRAQ5 Jurkats was dispensed to a 56 by 56 nanowell array using PDM. Fluorescence measurements were indexed by nanowell position (inset). c Transcriptomes from 498 cells were recovered and clustered based on cell cycle state (left) predicted based on a set of cell cycle-dependent genes. DRAQ5 fluorescence data collected during printing was then overlaid (right). d Cells were ordered by low to high DRAQ5 signal, and the fraction of cells in each cell cycle state was calculated over a 50-cell sliding window using corresponding cell cycle state assignments by gene expression analysis

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