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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Enteric infection induces Lark-mediated intron retention at the 5′ end of Drosophila genes

Fig. 5

Introns with increased retention have exon-like characteristics. Throughout the figure, blue and gray represent retained and spliced out introns, respectively. a The density of intron retention events along the normalized length of the gene. b Length of introns (in log2) with significant intron retention changes (one-tailed t test p value < 2.2e−16). c GC content of those introns and their flanking exons. d Normalized PolII ChIP-seq signal of these introns and their flanking exons in the P.e.-infected state. e Proportion of significant intron retention events that overlap with a uORF (paired one-tailed t test p value = 8.2e−8). f The enrichment of D. melanogaster RNA binding motifs [25] calculated using AME [26], in the MEME suite [27]. Blue and gray points indicate enrichment among the sequences of introns with increased and decreased retention, respectively

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