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Table 1 A comparison of the top 5 open problems in the life sciences posed in 1997 and the 5 biggest discoveries of the past 25 years listed in 2015

From: What is the question?

1997: the top most outstanding problems in the life sciences [4]

2015: the 5 biggest discoveries of the past 25 years [5]

1. What was the origin of life?

1. RNA interference discovered (1998)

2. What is the genetic and molecular basis of neural specificity?

2. Dolly the sheep becomes the first adult mammal cloned (1996)

3. How are genes regulated in animals and plants?

3. Human genome mapped (2000)

4. Topics in developmental and behavioral biology

4. Stem cells created from mature skin cells (2007)

5. How can we predict protein folding and the three-dimensional structure of proteins from amino acid sequences?

5. Robotic limbs fully controlled by the brain (2009)