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Fig. 7 | Genome Biology

Fig. 7

From: Correction to: A statistical framework for analyzing deep mutational scanning data

Fig. 7

Variant scoring for growth and binding experiments using simulated data. a Enrich2 variant effect scores derived from simulated data are plotted against expected Enrich2 scores based on true variant effects in the simulation. Enrich2 accurately scores variants in both simulated binding assays (left) and growth assays (right). Shading indicates point density from low (blue) to high (white). b Noisy variants were generated by randomizing their true effect in one replicate selection (green line). Noisy variants have higher overall standard errors than other variants (dashed gray line) in both binding and growth assay simulations. c The percentage of variants removed at each standard error percentile cutoff (5% intervals) is plotted. Standard error filtering preferentially removes noisy variants (green points)

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