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Fig. 1 | Genome Biology

Fig. 1

From: Population and allelic variation of A-to-I RNA editing in human transcriptomes

Fig. 1

edQTL analysis to identify cis-regulated RNA editing events. a Distribution of RNA editing levels (Φ) across the 445 human LCLs. Box plots of RNA editing levels for 9094 candidate sites across 445 individuals. Sites are sorted by the mean Φ value on the x-axis. The inner quartile ranges for each box plot are represented in yellow and the medians are in white. b Quantile-quantile plot (qq-plot) testing association of RNA editing levels with cis genetic polymorphisms in five populations. c Relationship between edQTL significance and distance of SNP to editing site in five populations. Note that the apparent spikes at +60 kb and −110 kb are due to multiple RNA editing sites in a single gene (SLC35E2 for +60 kb and HLA-G for −110 kb) with edQTL signals in multiple populations. d Mosaic plot indicating the number of edQTL RNA editing sites shared between five populations. Values in the top rectangles represent population-specific edQTL sites and values in the bottom rectangles represent edQTL sites shared across all five populations. e Example of an edQTL signal in the NDE1 gene. Box plot showing the significant association of rs8048427 with the editing level (Φ) at chr16:15795035 within the CEU population. Each dot represents data from a particular individual and the size of the dot indicates the number of reads covering the RNA editing site in that individual

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