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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: DeepCpG: accurate prediction of single-cell DNA methylation states using deep learning

Fig. 5

Prediction of methylation variability from local DNA sequence. a Difference of motif effect on cell-to-cell variability and methylation levels for different genomic contexts. Motifs associated with increased cell-to-cell variability are highlighted in brown; motifs that are primarily associated with changes in methylation level are shown in purple. b Genome-wide correlation coefficients between motif activity and DNA sequence conservation (left), as well as cell-to-cell variability (right). c Sequence logos for selected motifs identified in (a), which are highlighted with coloured text in (b). d Boxplots of the predicted and the observed cell-to-cell variability for different genomic contexts on held-out test chromosomes (left), alongside Pearson and Kendall correlation coefficients within contexts (right). CGI CpG island, LMR low-methylated region, TSS transcription start site

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