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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Correlation of an epigenetic mitotic clock with cancer risk

Fig. 2

epiTOC correlates with chronological age in purified cell and stem cell populations and is independent of blood cell type composition. a pcgtAge versus chronological age in three purified blood cell subtype sample sets, as indicated. Number of samples is indicated at the top of each panel. The green dashed line is a linear least squares fit. R2 value, Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) and linear regression P values are given. b The fraction of the 385 PCGT CpGs that make up epiTOC which are significantly hypermethylated with age in each of these three purified sample sets, as well as the fraction of these 385 CpGs which are significantly hypermethylated with age in at least one of these three sets (ALL, red). c Gene set enrichment analysis odds ratios (OR) of immune and blood cell subtype terms that are highly enriched among age-associated promoter CpGs in Hannum et al. [28] without adjustment for cellular heterogeneity (Unadjusted, magenta bars). Adjusted P values (adjP) are given. ORs for these same biological terms among the 385 PCGT CpGs of epiTOC are also shown (cyan bars), indicating strong underenrichment. d Left panel: Correlation of the pcgtAge score with donor age of eight bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) populations (all of low passage). R2 value, Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) and linear regression P value are given. Right panel: Correlation of pcgtAge score with donor age of 12 CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC) populations. Here we used a Wilcoxon rank sum test to derive a P value since there are two well defined groups of cord blood (n = 7, age zero) and adult peripheral blood (AdultPB, n = 5) samples

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