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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Fast and accurate single-cell RNA-seq analysis by clustering of transcript-compatibility counts

Fig. 2

Overview of the method. This figure illustrates our transcript-compatibility count (TCC) clustering method in a very simple, yet instructive example and highlights its major differences with respect to the conventional single-cell clustering approach. Here, we consider an scRNA-seq example with K cells (only the reads coming from Cell1 and Cell2 are shown here) and a reference transcriptome consisting of three transcripts, t 1, t 2, and t 3. Conventional approach: Single cells are clustered based on their transcript or gene abundances (here we only focus on transcripts for concreteness). This widely adopted pipeline involves computing a (#transcripts × #cells) expression matrix by first aligning each cell’s reads to the reference. The corresponding alignment information is next to each read, which for the purpose of illustration only contains the mapped positions (the aligned reads of Cell1 are also annotated directly on the transcripts). While reads 1 and 5 are uniquely mapped to transcripts 1 and 3, reads 2, 3, and 4 are mapped to multiple transcripts (multi-mapped reads). The quantification step must therefore take into account a specific read-generating model and handle multi-mapped reads accordingly. Our proposed method: Single cells are clustered based on their transcript-compatibility counts. Our method assigns the reads of each cell to equivalence classes via the process of pseudoalignment and simply counts the number of reads that fall in each class to construct a (# eq.classes × #cells) matrix of transcript-compatibility counts. Then, the method proceeds by directly using the transcript-compatibility counts for downstream processing and single-cell clustering. The underlying idea here is that even though equivalence classes may not have an explicit biological interpretation, their read counts can collectively provide us with a distinct signature of each cell’s gene expression; transcript-compatibility counts can be thought of as feature vectors, and cells can be identified by their differential expression over these features. Compared to the conventional approach, our method does not attempt to resolve multi-mapped reads (no need for an assay-specific read-generating model) and only requires transcript compatibility information for each read (no need for exact read alignment)

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