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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: A novel ATAC-seq approach reveals lineage-specific reinforcement of the open chromatin landscape via cooperation between BAF and p63

Fig. 4

p63 is required to establish and to maintain open chromatin regions. a Heatmaps demonstrating chromatin accessibility at p63/CTCF motif sites in 15 different cell types in correlation with the p63/CTCF expression level. The accessibility to DNase I (ENCODE data) is demonstrated in red. RNA expression level (ENCODE data) of p63/CTCF in these cell types are include in parallel in blue. b Average diagram of total ATAC-seq signal at p63 sites comparing p63 loss (p63i) with control (CTRLi). c Average diagram of nucleosome-free fragments (<100 bp) at p63 motif regions, demonstrating p63 is required to maintain DNA accessibility at p63 motif regions. d Average diagram of mononucleosomal fragments (180–247 bp) comparing the nucleosome positioning at p63 sites between p63i and CTRLi conditions. Loss of p63 led to impaired nucleosome phasing and an average compaction of 25 bp at p63 motif sites. e Average diagram of predicted nucleosome binding probability based on DNA sequence composition in genomic regions centered by p63 motif, indicating that p63 motif sequences intrinsically favor nucleosome binding. bp base pair, ENCODE encyclopedia of DNA elements

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