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Fig. 7 | Genome Biology

Fig. 7

From: Global SUMOylation on active chromatin is an acute heat stress response restricting transcription

Fig. 7

SUMOylation restricts HS-induced gene expression. a Immunoblot analysis of UBC9 levels from non-targeting siRNA (siNON)- and siUBE2I (gene for UBC9)-transfected VCaP cells. b Heat map showing HS-induced gene expression changes measured form Pol2 ChIP-seq in siNON- and siUBE2I-transfected cells (log2 fold change [HS/C]). Ninety-two genes were induced (shades of red) in both samples (UP; FDR <0.01, log2 fold change >1) and 130 genes exclusively in siUBE2I (UP in siUBE2I). Seventy-six genes were repressed (shades of green) exclusively in siNON (DOWN in siNON; FDR <0.01, log2 fold change <-1), and 16 genes in both siNON and siUBE2I (DOWN). c Examples of Pol2 signal along genes in different categories in (b): HSPB1 (category: UP), HNRNPA2B1 (UP in siUBE2I), EEF1A1 (DOWN in siNON), and KLK2 (DOWN). Pol2 ChIP-seq signal control (C; blue) and HS (red) conditions from siNON (lighter colors) and siUBE2I (darker colors). Numbers indicate maximal signal

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